B Sneha


Makeshift Megapolis

The studio helped understand Why Cities are the way they are today? A through comprehension of the Ahmedabad city was obtained by individually studying 1sq.km of a ward picked via random selection and comparatively analyzing various parameters of different categories of wards. Understanding Macro, Meso and Micro levels to fathom varied layers at different levels of the city. A holistic understanding of the city helped make interventions at Meso and Micro level. Sabarmati as a project area was chosen after analyzing its potential for future development owing to the upcoming bullet train proposal. Project proposals included Proposal of Multi Modal hub and TOD of  the selected 5 km radius to sustain the hub. 

Report Content

Study of city & Methodology

City & Its network

Road Analysis

Road Analysis

1x1 sq.m Ward study

Comparative analysis of Blocks

Comparative analysis of Blocks


