Anushka Priyedarshi


Making Of Utopian City

Foundation studio 2 deals with various networks, interdependence between networks. Half of the studio deals with the theory of UTOPIA. The project aimed with the disruption of the water system and proposing a new system which fits exactly in the surrounding of Khocarab Gaam. Here the system is based on harvesting rainwater and its sustainable uses.  

Report Content

First Impression of Khocarab Gaam

Overlapping Various Networks in Khocarab Gaam

Women's Perception of Khocarab Gaam

Analysis between Two Lanes

Analysis Between two Lanes

Analysis & Synthesis

Imagining & Manifesto of Our Utopian World

Contextualizing Utopia on Khocarab Gaam

Contextualizing Utopia on Khocarab Gaam