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  • Sustainable And Resilient Urban Environment

Chavda Nidhi Kamleshbhai


Sustainable And Resilient Urban Environment

Site located in Ahmedabad old city Khadia-3 south west side of The site comprises two pols (traditional housing clusters) and one commercial area. The project aims to Implement DWATS system in unused space Utilizing natural processes facilitated by plant roots for water purification. Collecting water from individual washrooms, including bathing and sink water, for treatment and recycling. The DWATS system utilizes plant roots for natural water purification. Water from washrooms is collected and directed to this system. Through biological processes facilitated by plant roots, greywater is recycled, making it suitable for external use, such as watering plants So removal of 1% buildings on site to add green space it will  contribute approach to water management that benefits the environment, public health, and the community's well-being while promoting long-term sustainability.

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Report Content

Site Introduction

Site Model

Site Plan and Elevation

Site Mapping

Flow Chart and Case Study

Design Strategy and Water Consumption phd calculation

DWATS System

Data Collection As per Cluster Population and DWATS System Space Calculation and Water& Drainage Line Of Site


Master Plan and Visualization