Ankhi Nandi


Surat : Towards a Free Market Economy

The following sections were dealt with in the Development Plan Studio: 1.Analyzing a city's development plan and its implementation on the ground 2.Researching Surat and conducting an existing situation analysis (ESA) 3.National and international case studies to better understand and examine diverse approaches to planning, zoning, and regulations in order to design a plan that aims to be equitable, robust, and adaptive, while also being able to endure future uncertainties.4. Finally, preparing a statutory Development Plan for Surat, for the horizon year 2041 with proposals integrating various sectors such as land use, transportation, infrastructure, housing, economy, environment, and others; identifying special projects, estimating costs, identifying revenue sources, and suggesting monitoring mechanisms to ensure maximum plan implementation.

Report Content

Introduction to Surat: Spatial Growth Trends and Existing Situation Analysis

SWOT Analysis and Development Potential for Surat

Vision Formulation 2041 and Boundary Delineation

Proposed Road and Transportation Network for DP 2041

Proposed Zoning Methodology and Framework

Development Control and Promotion Regulations Proposed for DP 2041

Potential of Proposed Development Control and Promotion Regulations

Proposed Blue-Green Network and Identification of Special Projects to be Implemented

Formulating an Implementation Mechanism through TPS and LAP and identifying Revenue Sources

Case Study of Multi Modal Logistics Hub in Chennai to Formulate a Robust Road - Rail & Water Network for Surat, Segregating Freight and Passenger Mobility