Gargee Das


Private Land Redevelopment

The Housing Project Studio is about redeveloping some large land parcels that are not in use like the lands previously being occupied by mills and factories, dilapidated housing societies in public and private land and slums. Such unused and dilapidated land parcels of 8 to 10 hectares in Ahmedabad have been observed where redevelopment is feasible. Throughout the studio, permissions, approvals, site potential analysis, micro-market analysis for appropriate product mix is done. Finally, from cash flow calculation, financial feasibility of the project is checked. This report will focus on the redevelopment of a private land dilapidated housing society in Nikol.

Report Content

Site Selection

Land potential analysis

Site overview

Primary survey analysis

Derivation of product mix

Activity schedule

Cash outflow

Cash inflow

Cash flow & Funding
