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  • UH4000
  • Enhancement & Redevelopment of Formal Sub-standard Units

Bhatt Nikita Sachin


Enhancement & Redevelopment of Formal Sub-standard Units

Housing is a private good in general, but for those who are not catered to by the market, the state must step in and supply it as a public good. Because of its limited resources and inability to satisfy everyone's housing needs/demands, the state must shift from being a provider to being a market enabler, employing a range of enabling and provisional methods. According to the survey conducted in Rajkot, 32.4% of households with an annual income below 3.5 lakhs are not served by the formal housing market. The entire basket of sub-strategies has been attempting to achieve this upward movement, starting with the lowest strata, i.e. the homeless to the higher income group of the income pyramid. Analyzed the specific issues for enhancement and redevelopment of formal substandard, as well as current policies that address the problem, formulated effective proposals for the issues addressed, and demonstrated the proposal with a practical and feasible method for Regulatory and Financial Support for Formal Substandard. Individuals with property rights below the affordability limit who live in old, outdated, and congested housing would benefit from this by implementing proposals after reforming existing policies according to priority.

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Report Content

Introcution, Aim & Objective of the Studio

Stage 1: Stituation Assessment of the city of Rajkot

Stage 2: Envisioning the Future of Rajkot

Positioning the basket of sub-strategy on the conceptual framework

Vision, Principle and introduction to the sub-strategy

Demand & Supply issues, Stakeholder Mapping, Type of Enhancment, Viability Assessment

Mapping the formal sub-standard of Rajkot, Current policy framework of public housing redevelopment policy, and proposals

Current policy framework of Beneficiary Led Construction, and proposals

Capital Investment Plan, Prioritization, and Reforms

Institutional Framework, Conclusion, and Reflection