Anirudh Soni


Equitable Water Supply in Bhuj

The project is focused on resolving the inequity in water
supply services in terms of irregular water supply, high water
losses, no fixed scheduling as well as insufficient pressure at
user ends. After city wide and detailed pilot zone assessment,
the solutions given in the project are increasing the storage
capacity at supply zone level, improving pressure at receiving
end and establishing zone wise District Metered Area in the
city targeting to achieve daily water supply (135lpcd) and
NRW reduction making the system more efficient.

Report Content

Introduction about current water supply scenario in the city

Details of water distribution network

Frequency of water supply and coping mechanism for irregular water supply

Frequency of water supply and coping mechanism for irregular water supply

Major issues identified

Proposal for equitable water supply

Case studies and site selection

Proposal part- 1 Daily water supply in Bhuj

Proposal part- 2 Reduction in water losses - Implementation of DMA's

Phasing and costing, Conclusion