Patel Milan Rajeshkumar


Sustainable ground water management

Sustainable ground water management by aquifer mapping and LID techniques- The present scenario of Bhuj city speaks about advanced growth of urban area which increases the dependency of ground water and leads to deteriorating ground water quality. Ward 2 of Bhuj all the source of lakes have dried and increasing the demand for water is leading to an increase in the extraction of Ground water. Hence, the purpose is to do aquifer mapping by PGWM, urban recharge techniques and LID Techniques with key participation by citizens, NGO’s and ULB’s.

Report Content

Ward wise scenario

Work approach

Water quality and micro-watershed Analysis

Common plots Recharge

Campus Recharge

Existing wells Recharge ( open wells and defunct Borewells )

Synthesis of actions - Urban recharge Techniques

LID Techniques

LID techniques on Roads

LID techniques in parks