Harisankar Vimalan


Revitalizing Community Spaces

 This project aims to transform a 300 x 300-meter site in the Jodhpur Gam ward into a vibrant hub of community activities through minimal, yet effective design interventions. Targeting two key areas, each measuring 60 x 80 meters, the design focuses on revitalizing under-utilized public spaces to encourage social interactions among the neighbourhood residents. The introduction of varied, age-appropriate play facilities caters to children, from toddlers to teenagers, promoting their physical and social development. Safety and inclusivity are central to the design, ensuring access for all age groups. The creative landscaping and strategically placed interactive play elements further enhance the public spaces’ aesthetic appeal and programmatic adaptability. This approach not only transforms an existing space that was void of any public activities into a lively and secure environment, but also fosters a profound sense of community ownership and engagement, making it a cherished gathering spot for all residents of the neighbourhood. Seating areas, shaded walkways, and accessible pathways ensure comfort and ease of movement for everyone, including seniors and individuals with disabilities, enhancing the site’s inclusiveness. This holistic approach ensures that the redesigned space not only meets current community needs but also adapts to future changes, securing its long-term relevance and utilization.

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Imageability Map of Jodhpur Gam Ward

The above slide gives a description about the design and the overview of the site.

300m x 300M site plan marked with selected nodes for design intervention along with site documentation.

Documenting the existing conditions of site through long sections.

Site analysis through drawings and exploration of themes such as accessibility, adaptability, occupancy etc., which gives an overall understanding the present conditions as well as the various problems faced in the site through covering these various aspects which in turn helps in designing the space.

The proposed design plan for node 1 and its corresponding sections.

Isometric and perspective views of node 1.

The proposed design plan for node 2 and its corresponding sections.

Isometric and perspective views of node 2.

An overall isometric view of the site's proposed design.