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  • Revival (Restoration of unbalanced river health)

Zankhna Palmist


Revival (Restoration of unbalanced river health)

Vishwamitri river is a strong support system for the biodiversity thriving around it. Even though it is a nonperennial river, there are elements such as human interferences, water flow changes, and similar genres of vegetation that indicate that the river is a continuous and connected stretch of water. The river’s health is severely poor at many points due to its neglected treatment by the citizens. The aim of this project is to improve river health by altering the physicochemical (water quality), biological (edge condition and land use), and emotional (human experience) aspects. Through the findings of river health assessment, zones to retain, enhance and modify are formulated and overlapped with the mapped factors affecting the river’s health. Factors such as drains and stormwater contact points, monoculture vegetation with dominant invasive species, and human-crocodile interaction are mapped. Through this process, areas in need of improvement are identified and strategies such as treating surface runoff water where it meets the river, reworking the vegetation palette to make it more dense and diverse, and improving interactions between humans and biodiversity(crocodiles) are followed.

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TRANSECT STUDY (Observe and Record) : Landing- The first impression of Vishwamitri river was of the elements such as constant human interventions/interferences, water flow changes, and similar genre of flora and fauna that indicate that the river is a continuous and connected stretch of water even though it is a non perennial river and dries up during summers.

TRANSECT STUDY (Observe and Record) : Grounding- Documentation and Analysis of the site through different modes and record both visible and invisible layers.

TRANSECT STUDY (Observe and Record) : Grounding- A detailed quadrant study of various points throughout the river.

FINDING AND FOUNDING (Analysis and Inferences) : Assessing the river health on the basis of 3 parameters, namely physicochemical, biological and emotional. Through which zones to retain, enhance and modify are generated.

DESIGN STRATEGIES (Collective Investigation and Interventions) : The project deals with issues of identifying and treating surface runoff water where it meets the river, reworking the vegetation palette to make it more dense and diverse, and improving interactions of humans and biodiversity(crocodiles) at 2 sites highlighted.

DESIGN STRATEGIES (Collective Investigation and Interventions) : Exploring the design development through patterns. A pattern of overlaps leading to design decisions of soft and hardscapes.

DESIGN STRATEGIES (Collective Investigation and Interventions) : SITE 1 [Near Ratri Bazaar] Following the objectives to retain what is existing and enhance by doing spot treatment and modifying by creating connected structures.

DESIGN STRATEGIES (Collective Investigation and Interventions) : SITE 2 [Near Kala Ghoda Circle] Following the objectives to retain what is existing and enhance by doing spot treatment and modifying by creating connected structures.

DESIGN STRATEGIES (Collective Investigation and Interventions) : Rendered view of site 2 (Flower beds)