Surya Sugathan Malayil


Road Network Development - Rajkot STP 2041

This portfolio represents the project done as part of Semester II in Master of Urban Transport Systems. The studio provided an understanding of the strategic transportation plan and its preparation process. Taking Rajkot as the case city, visits and data collection were undertaken to understand the land use, transport and socio-economic characteristics of the city. Based on the existing situation, a strategic plan with vision and objectives were formulated to envision Rajkot with a better transport system by the next 20 years. An individual project focusing on road network development was proposed with interventions and implementation plan.

Report Content

About the Studio

Overview of Rajkot city

Existing Issues and Growth Concept

Vision and Strategies

Issues in Existing Network

Expansion of Road Network

Connectivity and Phasing of the Network

Accessibility within the Network

Development of Existing Urban Roads

Implementation Plan and Conclusion