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  • UP4002
  • Mixed Use Development & Economic Diversity in VASTRAPUR

Deshpande Vrusha Vinayak Gauri


Mixed Use Development & Economic Diversity in VASTRAPUR

Cities are complex systems and thereby require analysis of various parameters to study the urban structure and its dynamics. A comprehensive study considering all such elements and aspects of Ahmedabad was undertaken in ‘Understanding the City’ foundation studio 2019 at Faculty of Planning, CEPT University. Each student was assigned one square kilometers precinct to be studied on all the parameters. This publication looks at Vastrapur precinct through the lens of mixed use and economic diversity, the two key parameters perceived in the area.

Report Content

Preface and contents

Introduction and image of the precinct

Land use and built use

Profile of the stakeholders and perspective of the end users

Transformation and evolution

Profile of residents and the precinct as a workplace

Factors and forces involved in diversity

Urban structure of the precinct

Form of diverse development

Tangible and intangible attributes supporting commercial activity