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  • Limited Choices Due to Stagnant Development

Sourabh Raj


Limited Choices Due to Stagnant Development

This portfolio analyzes the changes Khunti in Jharkhand underwent post-2000 and the corollary of these changes in terms of choices within the city. The study is a part of the foundation semester of Faculty of Planning, CEPT University. This portfolio informs about the constrained choices of the people of Khunti because of the stagnant development of the city. The portfolio examines the development of the city on various parameters like road hierarchy and connectivity, block perimeter and walkability in the precinct, land, and buildings use, public space for people by comparing it to precincts in similar cities. 

Report Content

Introduction of the city

Growth of the city

Livelihood choices in the city

Housing choices in the city

Transportation choices in the city

Evolution of the precinct

Publicness and public realm

Activity around the Public realm

Infrastructure facilities
