Elaine Agith


Morphing With The Past : A'ali

Located in the Kingdom of Bahrain, A’ali is a residential town famous for its traditional handcrafted pottery. Scattered between the tumuli of the Dilmun civilization, which was thriving in the early 2200 BCE, until its shift to the present capital of Manama, the development in A’ali has been slow compared to the island’s coastal fringes. In 2019, A’ali regained attention with the Dilmun Burial Mounds being declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with the proposal of the GCC Railway Terminal. Thus, it becomes critical to understand the present town of A’ali as it prepares for the future developments.

Report Content

Bahrain : An Overview

Changing Demography

The Potters' Town of A'ali

Time travelling From A'ali to Dilmun

Characterizing A'ali

Street Networks

Norms Influencing the Built Form

Making Choices in Housing

Provision of Infrastructure Services

Enclaves for Ethnotourism