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  • UP4002
  • Sahakarnagar - Pune’s Most lively Neighbourhood

Kokate Indraja Mohan


Sahakarnagar - Pune’s Most lively Neighbourhood

The portfolio profiles the city of Pune, the second largest city in the state of Maharashtra and develops a background in understanding the city from various planning perspectives focusing on the detailed study of the square kilometer area of Sahakarnagar - a residential neighborhood in the city of Pune. The portfolio focuses on analyzing the urban fabric and understanding the physical transformation and overall scenario of the neighborhood. The portfolio analyses various characteristic of built form land use street networks public spaces, housing scenarios that led to metamorphosis of the precinct.

Report Content

Pune City Context and Evolution

Sahakarnagar’s Transformation from Suburban To Urban Character

Spatial Relationship and Figure ground

Built form and land use

Housing Preferences

Job Opportunities

Transportation Choices

Street Network

Street Conditions

Public Realm