Sukanya Guha


Streets Represents the Image of an Area.

The story deals with the streets of Kolkata that have been culturally woven into the fabric of the city and presents a rich history of the yesteryears. It is said that Kolkata lives in its streets. While describing Kolkata one cannot but mention the diverse life story, that the city unfolds through its streets -the hustle and bustle of the vehicles, the chaotic cacophony at different intersections-an attempt of the government to portray the Bengal culture. At the precinct level the study aims to assess the street network connections of Chowhati. The aim of this study is to focus on the tangible aspect dealing with the road network map of the area as well as the intangible values that streets contribute to the area. The road network of the precinct Chowhati developed as a response to the topography of the area. NSC Bose road is the only major road that runs through the precinct. The secondary road networks branches out from the single major spine exhibiting a linear branched out pattern.

Report Content

Transformation in Street Morphology

Locating the Precinct Chowhati

Network Connectivity within the Precinct.

Walkability Within the Precinct.

Influence of Network connectivity on Travel Choices.

Publicness of Streets Within the Precinct.

Accessibility affecting publicness of a street.

Enclosure, Shading & Mixed ground floor use affecting publicness of a street.

Comparing Activeness of Streets in a Newer and an Older Development.

Leisure and Livelihood Dependency on Streets, Conclusion