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  • Nikol-Odhav : Highly Dense Residential Neighborhood

Gajjar Divyaben Nileshbhai


Nikol-Odhav : Highly Dense Residential Neighborhood

The transformation of any city depends on various factors, in the case of Ahmedabad rapid growth of industries and commercial activity played a major role in the transition. As the industries came, agricultural lands were converted into residential and industrial use and Nikol-Odhav is one of these dense urban footprints in the industrial zone. This portfolio contains a detailed study of one square kilometer area of Nikol-Odhav. It is one of the oldest settlements in the east and with time there are changes in housing typology, infrastructure services but the character of dense residential neighborhoods remains the same. 

Report Content

Location of the Precinct

Physical Transformation and Chronology Of Nikol-Odhav

Highly Dense Residential Neighborhood

Consumed FSI and Property Prices

People and their Choices

Streets and Connectivity

Streets as Public Space

Service and Infrastructure - Water Supply

Service and Infrastructure - Solid Waste Management
