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  • Residential neighborhoods to the fringes of CBD

Komirisetty Rohit Kumar


Residential neighborhoods to the fringes of CBD

The portfolio is the study of the precinct of 1 sq.km in Navrangpura which is located to the west side of Sabarmati River in Ahmedabad and this study Is all about how central business district is influencing the residential neighborhood in the fringes of CBD. This portfolio is also about the study of parameters like block perimeters, link node ratio, land use, road Hierarchy and built typology this study is not only about the influence of the central business district but also understanding the development of the precinct by studying the satellite images of the past 2 decades.

Report Content

Residential neighborhoods to the fringes of CBD

Introduction to Ahmedabad

Introduction to Precinct in Navrangpura

Historical evolutions

Evolution of the precinct

Street network of the precinct

Road Hierarchy & Network Connectivity

Block perimeter and Footpath

Built and land use
