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  • Traditional neighborhood development in the suburbs.

Mulay Siya Vijay


Traditional neighborhood development in the suburbs.

The physical parameters in planning of a city is studied through the lense of a 1 sq.km precinct located in Chandlodia. Chandlodia is a gamtal region in the suburbs of Ahmedabad. The precinct is predominantly residential with closely packed row houses. It houses many migrants from different parts of Ahmedabad as well as different states due to its low property prices, community living as well as job opportunities. On studying the street infrastructure, it is observed that the streets are well connected and are not just infrastructure for moving people and cars, they are places in themselves. The portfolio explains the evolution of the precinct through the years and the determinants that facilitated the development in the precinct. The main determinant driving a change is the TP scheme that was implemented in 2006. Due to the TP scheme new development in the form of apartments is seen developing in the region. There is more than 20% vacant land in the precinct which suggests possibility of potential development. 

Report Content

Introduction of the precinct

Factors leading to migration in Chandlodia

Timeline of transformation in Chandlodia

Residential built form and Floor Space Index

Land use pattern and plot ownership

Housing choices and trade offs

Evolution of streets and analyzing walkability

Network connectivity of the streets

Public realm

Streets as public realm