Hemali Sanjay Joshi


Revitalizing Heritage in Ratan Pol's Neighbourhood

The 16-week studio comprises two weeks of individual exercises and 14 weeks for crafting a local area plan, including on-site visits. It involves analyzing the existing situation, delineating boundaries, proposing private and public realm plans, street network design, infrastructure considerations, costing, phasing, and implementation. Individually, case studies on Yarimburgaz, Istanbul, and a Development Feasibility study for a housing society in Shivranjani, Ahmedabad, were done. Finalized Heritage Conservation proposals for Ahmedabad's Ratan Pol area and sectoral proposals, emphasizing the enhancement of the Private Realm, are integrated into the overall plan. 

Report Content

Understanding Micro-Level Plan - Case Study of Yarimburgaz, Istanbul

Development Feasibility Study


Vision, Concept and Boundary Delineation

Public Realm Proposal - Streets

Public Realm Proposal - Chowks

Zoning Approach

Regulations for Heritage and Contributing Structures

Heritage TDR Mechanism

Costing, Revenue and Phasing of the Plan