Sanjana Baidya


Envisioning Gujarat’s Next IT Hub

The UERP Studio of 2021 was divided into three parts which comprise various exercises to understand the micro-level planning mechanism in different cities. A complete research and analysis of Vadodara's current condition was carried out by a group of five people, starting with the regional context and ending with a proposal for an IT and knowledge-based town planning concept for a greenfield site in Dena. The studio combined the process of land value mechanism, cost of proposals, funding, and other interventions to connect the scheme with the city and make it more economically viable.

Report Content

Understanding the Local Planning Scheme of City of Perth, Western Australia

Understanding Vadodara's regional connectivity and city-level potential in order to develop a TP scheme

First impression of the site and selection of the zonal area based on suitability & Potentiality map

Formulation of concepts, from individual to group, and final zoning proposal

Formulation of zonal Level DCR and identification of the TP schemes

Road Network of the chosen TP scheme integrating green and NMT network

Principals of land reconstitution, as well as final land reconstitution and land appropriation based on them

In addition to the DCR at the zone level, urban design guidelines have been included for IT & Recreational zones

Final Valuation of the town planning scheme and identifying sources of revenue

Market feasibility analysis of Vemali in Vadodara and finally closing the loop with key learnings about town planning scheme