Shreya Vijay Sonar


SKYRISE COMMUNITY : Elevating Urban Living

The SkyRise Community reimagines urban living by infusing high-rise architecture with lush green spaces, fostering community interaction, sustainability, and wellness. Inspired by Gaston Bachelard, it aims to create emotionally resonant environments, evoking dreams and a deep sense of belonging. With a commitment to responsive design and community engagement, it sets a new standard for urban living, prioritizing sustainability, well-being, and communal interaction. Transforming the urban landscape into a thriving vertical neighborhood, offers residents fulfillment and joy in their everyday lives, establishing a vibrant haven in the heart of the city.

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Report Content

Site introduction

Mapping of extisting condition

axonometry of different open spaces

Activity Mapping

Inferences from site

Cluster Exploration

Axonometry of proposed Masterplan

Master plan and landscape details

3d visualisation and Longitudinal section

Physical Model