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  • Integrated Urban Water Management for Mehsana

Saurav Chowdhury


Integrated Urban Water Management for Mehsana

The scope of the lab was to fill the infrastructure demand-supply gap and to plan for the providing the services for the future. The scope of project was to assess the current supply of water supply. We worked towards augmentation of existing ESR and water zones- as per the prediction of future growth and estimated the future need. Re-zoning of water distribution zones were done according to density and topology. All these sectors were inter-connected using the Integrated Urban Water Management concept which would allow to city to have a holistic approach to the issues.

Report Content


Introduction: Infrastructure Typology

Existing Condition

Analysis: Water Supply & Storm Water

Vision for Mehsana

Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM)

Why Mehsana Needs IUWM?

Close Loop System & Possibilities

Urban Water Management

District Metering Area: Pilot