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  • UD4006
  • Re-igniting Market - New Ashok Nagar Redevelopment

Sagar Kishan


Re-igniting Market - New Ashok Nagar Redevelopment

 Re-imagine new Ashok Nagar as a job center with high-density non-retail development and mixed-use i.e. residential commercial along the canal front . based on the development trend we expect this area to grow to respond to RRTS . I am proposing to put in guideline & strategies for redevelopment and let the market take up the area. the whole redevelopment will not be time bound but with incentives for early development. Proposing a redevelopment LAP in this area may fuel the real estate market and make the adjacent vacant district center also active and in radar for the private developers in the process re-ignite the urban periphery to cohesively transition to Noida. 

Report Content

Important and Upcoming projects near site


Streets and street network

Street interface Strategies

Public Park | Strategies

Public Park | Strategies

Public Park | Approach

Character View | Community park

Block wise development

Envision redevelopment for N. Ashok Nagar