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  • Area Planning Studio - S.P. Stadium Ward, Ahmedabad

Gohil Vaidehi Kamalkishoresinh


Area Planning Studio - S.P. Stadium Ward, Ahmedabad

The studio focused on understanding planning on a smaller scale i.e. ward level as to how the governance works and within the given framework how does a planner work. Therefore we were allotted different wards with different complexities and the exercise was to identify the issues faced by people and make a comprehensive plan which would deal with the issues in a holistic manner. S.P. Stadium ward was special as it had many government proposals coming up which was going to change the area immensely. So, the focus was to prepare the ward for future and allow regulated development.

Report Content

Introduction of ward and major characteristics

Land potential analysis and developing a belief system

Issues related to Last mile connectivity

Issues related to Last mile connectivity

Proposals related to Last mile connectivity

Proposals related to Last mile connectivity

Issues related to catering the Last person

Issues related to catering the Last person

Proposals related to catering the Last person and Comprehensive plan