Poorva Priyadarshini


Regulating Industries in Behrampura

Ahmedabad was called Manchester of the East because of the various textile mills in it. But with time due to these textile and various other industries people have started facing a lot of issues of health deterioration  and also there is a lot of ground, water, surface and air pollution due to the smoke and effluents released by these industries into the environment.  This project actually chalked out the issues faced by the people in the ward Behrampura and also gives them ways to improve the industries for the future.

Report Content


Regulating Industries.

A brief about industries in Behrampura.

Issues caused due to industries.

The existing framework on regulations Bby G.P.C.B.


Costing of C.E.T.P.

Proposed framework for waste.

Costing for waste ( Guidelines by G.P.C.B.)

Comprehensive plan for Behrampura.