Barot Samarth Harishkumar


CEPT - Smart Campus

We as a class worked on CEPT University campus as an area of study which was part of Advance Geospatial technology studio, with the aim of "CEPT - SMART CAMPUS". Our aim was to create a 3D model of CEPT which includes the dynamic parameters like "Facility management", "Space Allocation", "Indoor Navigation" and "Security & Surveillance".
To achieve this we used proprietary software like Esri City Engine, ArcGIS Pro.

Report Content

GNSS and Drone Surveillance

GIS makes Smart Campus a Reality

Data Preparation

GIDC Bhavan's Building features

Facility Mapping with Height (Z) attribute.

Final 3D Model

Database for Space Allocation and Facility Management

Indoor Navigation

Applications of GIS

Application of 3D GIS in Campus Surveillance