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  • Bridge project across Tapi river, Surat.

Sahil Kukreja


Bridge project across Tapi river, Surat.

The Project Management Life Cycle has four phases: Initiation, Planning, Execution and Closure. No one phase is more important than the other and each step plays a crucial role in getting your project off the ground, through the race, down the stretch and across the finish line. This project was undertaken with the view to understand the execution phase of project life cycle. The purpose here is to present a detailed report of how the execution of a project is carried out, using an ongoing project. The project under consideration is Bridge construction across Tapi River at Surat, under EPC contract. The objective of this report is to observe the execution of the project closely and monitor the various systems followed by the management. Owing to the vast magnitude of work, this project presented an opportunity to learn a lot.

Report Content


Project Introduction

Bridge Drawings-Plan

Bridge Drawings-Sections

Triple Role Play

Cost of Quality

Fish Bone Diagram

Safety Management

Safety Management

Material Management