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  • GIS- Based analysis of Dengue Outbreak in Ahmedabad City

Vasudha Singh


GIS- Based analysis of Dengue Outbreak in Ahmedabad City

As per WHO, Global burden of vector borne disease is growing rapidly and causing menace to human kind. Ahmedabad city is one of the examples where we see a consecutive spike in dengue cases every year. This study aim to see Spatio- temporal visualization of incidences over 6 years 2016- 2021 and to identify the environmental and climatic factors which helps in growth of vector using remote sensing imagery and climatic data. This study aligns to the use of GIS in health sector and helps in exploring various ways to facilitate authorities in planning better public health services.

Report Content


Problem, Aim, Objectives, Study Area


Spatio - Temporal Visualization

Spatio - Temporal Visualization

Factors causing Dengue outbreak

Analysis : Low-Lying Areas

Analysis : Seasonal Variation of Dengue with respect to rainfall

Analysis : Dense Vegetation

Analysis : LST, Conclusion & Recommendation