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  • Infrastructure Development Studio- Ports

Sanjay J Kini


Infrastructure Development Studio- Ports

The studio acquainted us with the nuances of developing a greenfield port. To begin with we came up with an ideal site on the coast of Gujarat using tools like GIS, AHP etc. Then we selected the most profitable commodity and traffic that the port would service. Based on the traffic, we arrived at the berth calculations i.e space requirements for both seaside and land-side features of a port and cargo movement. Finally we looked into the finances and checked the viability of developing the said port by calculating the project IRR, NPV, payback period subject to certain assumptions.

Report Content

Overall Methodology

Site Selection Criteria

SWOT Analysis

Traffic Projection

Berth Calculations

Berth Calculation-Phasewise

Final Layout-3D View

Port Landuse

