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  • A Schematic Bus Route Map for Ahmadabad Public Transport

Suthar Jaiminkumar Gunvantbhai


A Schematic Bus Route Map for Ahmadabad Public Transport

Such cities like London and Delhi have a schematic route map for their Public Transport. Ahmedabad has established its position on global level. And opportunities of jobs and tourism is significantly growing in the city. Public transport system is lifeline of the any city. So such kind of map for Ahmedabad became essential.
The World Heritage Committee (WHC) of UNESCO declared Ahmedabad as India’s first world heritage city. It has now joined the privileged club of heritage cities like Paris, Cairo, Edinburgh and two cities in the subcontinent, Bhaktpur in Nepal and Galle in Sri Lanka. So, now it is obvious that tourists from whole globe are going to be attracted to Ahmedabad. And condition of Public Transport will create an image of India in front of world in terms of development. That’s why, it will make good impact if we are having this kind of schematic map for Ahmedabad for such routes which are passing though Heritage monuments.
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Report Content

Methodology - A Schematic Map for Heritage Monuments by Public Transport

Development of Maps - A Schematic Map for Heritage Monuments by Public Transport

Components of Map - A Schematic Map for Heritage Monuments by Public Transport

Components of Map - A Schematic Map for Heritage Monuments by Public Transport

To download full map link is in description.

Methodology - AMTS Bus Route Map – via Lal Darwaja major 27 routes

Development of map - AMTS Bus Route Map – via Lal Darwaja major 27 routes

All components of the map - AMTS Bus Route Map – via Lal Darwaja major 27 routes

To download full map link is in description.