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  • Sarkhej -Solid Waste management and Storm Water Drainage

Sanjay J Kini


Sarkhej -Solid Waste management and Storm Water Drainage

Ward Level Infrastructure Studio- Sarkhej- This project aims at analyzing the existing solid waste management system and storm water drainage using GIS, along the road from Sanand Circle to Ujala circle in Sarkhej, Ahmedabad where lot of water logging was found. Post analysis, it was found that household segregation of waste, a decentralized waste collection monitoring cell, a compost plant and a storm water drain were found to be imperative and accordingly the above were designed. The cost factor was also accounted for and suitably calculated.

Report Content

Methodology,Mapping of municipal Solid Waste Bins and Mapping of door to door collection routes

Solid waste Management-Major issues

Case Study-Palancode,Tamil Nadu

Proposal 1 - Household Waste Segregation and Provision of separate bins for wet and dry waste at each household level and Costing

Proposal 2 - Decentralized GPS tracking of Solid Waste Collection System and Costing

Proposal 3 -Composting

Composting Plant

Compost Plant- Fixed and O&M Cost

Analysis of natural stream Network of Sarkhej and the need for storm water drainage

Storm water Drainage- Cross-section and Costing