Desai Aastha Kalrav


Conservation Strategies for Dutch Factory at Vengurla

Located on the Konkan Coast, Vengurla holds a prominent place in Indian maritime history with its old temples, and churches, as well as the only Dutch factory in India that has survived the ravages of time. Located in a very strategic location from Goa, Vengurla port town gained more importance from the factory. The Dutch influence on the European trade with India is the only evidence remaining to let the story of their coming to India and abandoning the Portuguese prevail. Since the factory was established in India, it has witnessed the trade power rivalry between two European powers.  Dutch Vakhar's fragile structure made it possible to study the conservation process in-depth and the importance of monitoring and maintenance after the restoration was completed. 

Report Content

understanding the site

Condition of structure

Comparative analysis of architectural element

Comparative analysis of architectural element

Structural analysis

