Gajera Vikas Kishorkumar

Office Training

Internship Report - Meeta Jain Architects

Meeta Jain Architects is a multidisciplinary design studio established in 2002. The range of expertise extends from architecture, interiors, temporary spaces, landscape to site planning for projects of a larger scale. The philosophy is to create built environments that may be inanimate but have a special living quality to them.  A staircase that is also a viewing gallery, A railing that is also a seat, holiday homes with shifting perspectives of the distant valley are the many vibrant elements present in our architecture while ensuring a strong core of functional utility, in tune with our clients’ requirements, runs through our structures. Meeta Jain Architects also aspires that our design work infuses joy into the lives of people. A unique material pallet is evolved for each project recognizing and honoring the predictions of the client. The arrangement of spaces and movement in our designs is intimate, so it allows all occupants to feel psychologically connected as a whole. It also consciously incorporate possibilities of new/multiple spaces uses and their moldability in the future . Spaces can have a transitional effect over people and we wield this power as a privilege. Apart from the commercial projects, the firm is also active in the community sphere contributing to much public art and education projects that benefit the city as a whole.

Report Content

Residential project brief

Paving drawing, Elevations

Flooring drawings

Spot Details, Fabrication drawings

Residential apartment plans

Competition presentation work

Project studies

Graphics for website, Travel sketches