Kinger Yakin Ajay

MAHT- Thesis/Dissertation/Capstone Project (T/D/C)

Industrial modernity in rural India: Kharaghoda

This research examines the development of Kharaghoda as a salt manufacturing industrial village during colonial times (between 1872-1940) to theorise the making and transformation of its built form, identifying and decoding its formation, morphology, and operation to generate a fresh understanding of industrial villages in rural India and Indian rurality in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Kharaghoda represents an unexplored form of modernity which was parallelly developing with the transformations in the cities and this research expands the understanding of colonial modernity in India.

Report Content


Mapping documented sites, site images

Analyzing building

Seasonal changes

Shifting salt pans

The salt storing shed

Fireman's quarters

Engine driver's quarters

Details, Polo pavilion

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