Laasya Nandula

Basic Photography

Basic Photography Elective

This course helped develop one's understanding of photography; from observing forms, colors, textures, quality of light and human situations in everyday life to experimenting with various camera operations and learning the rules of composition, all ultimately helped produce images that are not only aesthetically composed but are meaningful and showcase a narrative.

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Basic Exploration: Looking for light and shade, shapes, forms, textures and creating interesting compositions

Exploring Life on Campus: Capturing the daily life on CEPT campus while experimenting with different camera settings

Visit to Gandhi Ashram: Photographing the essence of Gandhi Ashram and learning to edit our photos on Adobe lightroom

Life in Old City: Observing the local life and architecture in Jama Masjid, Manek Chowk and surrounding areas

Life in Old City: Observing the local life and architecture near Swaminarayan Mandir in Kalupur, Dhal Ni Pol and Dwarka Dheesh Mandir

Understanding Light and Elements of Composition: Learning how to create good compositions with appropriate lighting through portrait and product photography

Documentary Project: Documenting an artist who runs a small online business from her apartment selling products made from resin.

Showcasing the process of making resin art from start to finish as well as packaging the finished product and photographing it to upload online

The various resin products made by the artist (top) the desk setup with all the equipment required (bottom left) the working environment of the artist showcasing various posters, lights and a wall hanging made of resin displayed on the wall (bottom right)