Mehta Parth Pareshumar

Exploratory Urban Workshop 2

Mapping & Visualization

This workshop critically engage with method of mapping to produce new ways of seeing, analyzing and understanding the spatial distributions, patterns and the everyday life in city. To elaborate, urban environment is an ensemble of people, environment, culture, material and many experiences. To comprehend the dynamic complexity of a place requires understanding of variety of layers at different scales, times, and ways. A city is much more than the form it embodies and there are many questions about organic dynamics of how a city lives, how natural patterns of community agglomeration occur, how vendor define zone and order, how a particular culture projects itself onto a space. This is a part of inquiry and learning that is the premise of the course with emphasis on field mapping, analysis and representation drawings.

Report Content

Mapping exercise - Sheet

Mapping exercise - Sheet

Mapping exercise - Sheet

Mapping exercise - Sheet

Mapping exercise - Sheet

Mapping exercise - First draft sheets

Mapping exercise - Processed sheets

Derive exercise

Watershed and channel of water flow - Onsite mapping for final studio Sheets

Sections - For final studio Sheets.