Mihir Kalra

History of Interior Design

The Tectonics Of Corners

A corner of a space can itself become an identifying element of the space in terms of the architectural assembly of the space, the language and interior style used in the space, and the materiality of the space. The course aims to explore the study of corners and elaborate on the assembly, tectonics and the construction methods of corners which can be a defining element of a space itself. The study of the corners of Kochrab Ashram, Ahmedabad shows how corners can not only define the assembly of the space, but how it also defines circulation of the space.

Report Content

Exploded Isometric of Corner 1

Exploded Isometric of Corner 2

Exploded Isometric of Corner 3

Exploded Isometric of Corner 4

Exploded Isometric of Corner 5

Exploded Isometric of Corners and Its Analysis