Navya Pandey

Exchange Mandatory (HRW)

Re-energizing Bubikon

The main aim was to generate a new master plan for Bubikon, a district in Zurich. Multi-use buildings with industrial, commercial and residential zones were used to densify Bubikon in order to bring 'work' and 'life' closer. Eco-friendly strategies were also suggested for Bubikon to grow its own food and re-use the waste and all available natural resources.

Report Content

QGIS Analysis and using bricollage to generate the Master Plan

Strategies Implemented in the new Master Plan

Final Master Plan and its Axonometric

Ecoplex- Existing and Context Plan

Ecoplex- Urban Strategies

Ecoplex- Urban Strategies

Ecoplex- Urban Strategies

Ecoplex- Plans

Ecoplex- Plans

Ecoplex- Sections and Axonometric