Prathamesh R Vernekar

Polyhedra Deconstruction

Deconstructing Polyhedra

The course aimed at analyzing and constructing Polyhedra solids using the art of paper folding called Origami. The varied three-dimensional solids were made and studied by making models and orthographic drawings. Based on the study and exploration of the polyhedra solids an architectural form with a program and a site was developed.

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Origami- Three different Cubes and a Dodecahedron

Origami- Icosahedron and Rhombicosidodeachedron

Origami- Stellated Icosahedron and Great Stellated Dodecahedron

Orthographic Drawings- Dodecahedron

Orthographic Drawings- Icosahedron

Design-Yoga Pavilion Site Plan

Yoga Pavilion-Plans and Sections

3D Renders

3D Renders

3D Renders