Roy Sanjana Shubhashish

Exchange Studio

Redesigning Zurich Sihlquai bus terminal, Platzspitz

Public buildings express the values of the societies that commission and build them. In the economies of today, as more of our collective life is played out in private places, and when public buildings need to be made, what they should express has become contested, or not even discussed. This studio at ETH,Zurich by Prof.Adam Caruso began with studying in groups of two different examples of public buildings from the 15th century to the present and then take ques from the case study to final arrive at our program and develop our project. 

Report Content

Case study of Yokohama Port Terminal by FOA

Concept diagram of project

Circulation diagram and conceptual section

Site plan:Zurich Platzspitz bus terminal

Site axo: Platzspitz bus terminal near Sihl river

Floor plans

Longitudinal section


Model photographs