Vimal Raj

HH-3: Paradigms

Life Stories | Essay

Included here are 2 projects.
The first, a creative roleplay as curators of the Kochi Biennale articulated through a series of Instagram posts called "@behindthebiennale" 
The second is an essay analyzing the colonial imprints on paradigms of time, space and architecture in India as depicted in the movie Gandhi (1982) titled "Enduring Echoes Of Empire"

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Biennale Curators Pages 1 and 2

Biennale Curators Pages 3 and 4

Biennale Curators Pages 5 and 6

Biennale Curators Pages 7 and 8

Biennale Curators Pages 9 and 10

Biennale Curators Pages 11 and 12

Essay Pages 1 and 2

Essay Pages 3 and 4

Essay Pages 5 and 6