
Faculty: Rajiv Kadam

Humanising Urban Space: Social production and speculative design of neighborhood place

Are Cities today the great places to live and enjoy the everyday life?. The critical question is still haunting us since the Industrial revolution. The everyday life activities is lacking the richness in experience, safety, comforts, meanings and associations. Martin Heidegger philosophy in ‘Being and Time’ (1926) and Christian Norberg Schulz ‘Genius Loci’ (1980) have defined the theory of Phenomenology as important approach to design of our built environment. The studio will focus on developing a theoretical perspective on the humanizing problem and explore urban design and architectural ideas to develop a design for public place in the urban context. The students will use the place making theories as a base to first decode the social and cultural patterns of urban life in the project area, evolve a theoretical frame for analysis and demonstrate to explore a speculative design of the urban space and architectural character.