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  • Odhav: A Low income-high density neighbourhood

Kamaldeep Kaur


Odhav: A Low income-high density neighbourhood

The precinct consists of parts of two cities namely, Odhav and Rakhial. Both of these are small cities situated in suburb of Ahmedabad and lies 15 km away from CEPT University. The Kharicut canal passes through precinct and divides the precinct into Odhav and Rakhial. The precinct lies on south of GIDC Odhav and is 95% of residential area out of which 32% are slums. It consists of basic infrastructure facilities like water supply, solid waste management, and sanitation and storm water management. The precinct is easily accessible through public transport as two BRTS corridor run on northern and western side of it. The population density of precinct is 616 people per hectare, which is quite high as compared to other cities. Precinct has mostly G+1 buildings that consume average FSI of 1.04. Housing typology in precinct is majorly semi-detach house with 3437 dwelling units. Slums in precinct have 2700 dwelling units and are second prominent typology. Other typologies seen in precinct are row houses and mixed use houses. Streets in precinct have wide roads with street lights and hence it’s commute-friendly with private transportation as well. Jantri prices in precinct range from Rs. 6,500 to 12,500 per sqm, which is 3 times less than that of market rate. Odhav that is east of canal in the precinct has comparatively less land prices than Rakhial on west of canal. The monthly wages in precinct range from Rs. 500- Rs. 80,000. Median wage in precinct is Rs.22,500 per month which is low. Thus it can be inferred that the precinct is a low income-high density neighbourhood which is explained in details with supporting data in the portfolio. 

Report Content

Situating the precinct

Prominent feature and people's perspective

Homogeneous land use and typology

Lower land prices

More ground coverage and under-consumed FSI

Limited street hierarchy and low per capita space consumption

Limited public spaces

Infrastructure and services

Jobs in precinct

Income and housing