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  • AD4004
  • Architectural Design - R-HUB, Rejuvenation center

Amod Anshumalin Shah


Architectural Design - R-HUB, Rejuvenation center

R-HUB – Rejuvenation Hub, developed as a part of the proposed Phase II of the GIFT City, Gujarat. In the hustle-and-bustle of the modern-day desk jobs, R-HUB aims to create a nurturing environment for rejuvenating human health, values, and lifestyle.
The structure and the built-form take adapt this vision and form a persona of the R-HUB. 

Report Content

Cover - Abstract of R-HUB's Architectural Form

Design and Build - Sliding Door Latch

Design and Build – Mechanical Model

Model Exploration – 1:50 Scaled 100m Structural Simulation

R-HUB, Massing and Form Development

R-HUB, Climate Impact Analysis and Master Plan

R-HUB, Structural System

R-HUB, Sectional Visualisation

R-HUB, Physical Model