Nitya Patel


High Density Walkable neighbourhood

The project focuses on Walkability in the neighbourhood. The growth and introduction of Public transport in and around the site was seen as a potential. The wide variety of options should be taken into consideration for promoting use of public transport and hence which could lead to developing walkable neighbourhoods. The idea came from the positives of the site which are a calm residential area, shaded streets with trees. The problems that I identified was that the neighbourhood was very private. There was no common space for people to come out or people chose not to for various factors. One of them was it being scattered and isolated. There were large open spaces unused and turned into on street parking and dump yards. If taken this as an opportunity, first creating and distributing a network of open spaces which could be the pedestrian routes connected to the Public transport. The next step was to see what a walkable neighbourhood included, which was mix of use, active public spaces, different time scale of activities and also variation in the built form. So, I tried to link all of these together in creating neighbourhood blocks with varying densities, use and with open public spaces for people to use. This would encourage people to come out as a community and use these shared common spaces instead of privatising of the neighbourhoods. 

Report Content

site introduction

case study and vision

timescale of activities

network deveopment

land use and density distribution


parameters and pseudocode

categorization of phenotype


categorization of phenotype