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  • Land Use Land Cover Change Modelling and its Application

Bhavsar Dhruvi Jigar


Land Use Land Cover Change Modelling and its Application

The term ‘Land Use and Land Cover Changes’ (LULCC) refer to human modifications of the terrestrial surface of the earth, as well as the study of land surface change. Accurate information on the amount and location of LULCC is necessary to develop and implement sustainable urban planning. This study aims to produce a land use/land cover map of Ahmedabad City in order to detect the changes that have taken place over a given period, to evaluate various models for forecasting and determining the best suitable model for its prediction along with the estimation of population and infrastructure.

Report Content



LULC Classification (Level 1 & 2)

Change Detection Analysis

Driving Factors & Modelling Approach

LULC Modelling:1

LULC Modelling:2

Comparison of the Modelling Results


Conclusion & Way Forward