Ankita Satpathy


flow in nature- in sync with nature

Nature always follows the most efficient path, the phenomena is described as constructal law in which, all animate or inanimate system including trees, people, organization, and structures follow the natural design principle of FLOW. Evolving easy access to impositions, allowing current to flow through it and moving with them. Flow resistances are any aspect of the system that reacts with fluids movement, optimizing these simultaneously with result in designs with superior performances by creating vortices instead of breaking it like flocking birds, swarming insects, schooling fish, and even the human heart which moves in ease and low energy consumption. The phenomena of ‘flow’ become an almost tangible expression for the understanding of nature and its elements describing each other’s movement. The undeviating attitude in the design becomes objects of exchange and increases the intensity of global platforms which dramatically affects the shape and involvement in an urban space. The resultant space takes place on a wider scale and follows less predictable patterns capturing the essence of syncing with nature and providing the user a take-away message of encouragement of flow in nature CONCEPT IN SPACE: FLOW IN NATURE The visualization of the space in relation to sync with nature is determined through flow in nature replicating the phenomena of motion in nature as of flow in the land, flow in water, and flow in the air. Specifying the flow of sand dunes to flow of wind as a bird migrates from an extreme weather condition to a favorable weather condition.
The attached link is the walkthrough of the space 

Report Content

decoding the theme-in sync with nature

interpretation of theme in the site

registration area

event area

help desks/breakout area

display area
