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  • FD4005
  • Urban Street Furniture : Street Furniture as an Assist.

Kale Harshang Tushar


Urban Street Furniture : Street Furniture as an Assist.

With the aim of strengthening the give and take relation between the government and the citizen, an intervention in the area of the public realm which facilitates the use of public services and amenities by transforming spaces through the idea of place making. 

 The design intervention seeks the need of urban street furniture which caters to different ergonomic postures adopted by the human body while performing activities like waiting for someone or public transport, being in a queue, having brief social interactions etc which requires spontaneous postural changes due to the duration , the perception and the physical reaction of the body to each activity.  

Report Content

Problem Area Identification

Streets as Public Spaces," Defining the Realm."

Streets as Assets.

Design Process: The Foundation.

Ideations and Explorations

Ideations and Explorations

3-D Visualizations

3-D Visualizations- Street Scenarios

Exploded View: Sequence of Assembly

Orthographic drawings: Module 2