Chauhan Jay Pareshkumar



The project is about reimagining the Anganwadi after studying about the village. The redesigned Anganwadi includes a programme which is developed after observerving and interacting with the people of Village. This programme includes how you can include people of Village in contributing to Anganwadi.
To know more about the observations done in Virupura a presentation video link is given below.

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This is the beginning of the studio where initial observations were taken of Virpura Village

Different Engangements done in the village as both individual and group to know more about the village and their people.

System Map showing roles of anganwadi teacher and roles of other users of the village

Programme based on key observations of the village

Whole process from beginning of collecting data to end design of Anganwadi.


Sections and Elevations


3D rendered views